Dedication & Thank you’s

I dedicate this site to my dear husband. Thank you for supporting me on our journey and for the assurance that you will be there on whatever might lie ahead.   It is also dedicated to my beautiful children Adalyn & Andrew. You are the joy of my life and I am so glad that I get to be your momma.

Thank you especially to my mother for all of her help along the way, for always encouraging me and for being the incredible mother and woman she is. I learned everything about being a mother from her. She is selfless in every sense of the word and I could only hope to be a “chip” of the woman she is. I believe I get my strength from her and my sister’s example.

Thank you to my father, retired pharmacist, who listened to my endless rants and helped me sort through medical information and misinformation along the way. Thank you for reminding me through my journey to “use my brain.”

Thank you to all of my in-laws. I can’t tell you how much I always appreciate how much you do for us. How much I appreciated never feeling judged and how much love you show us. I feel very fortunate to have found such a wonderful family to be a part of.

Thank you to my editors Megan & Krista, who reviewed, edited, encouraged me to be vulnerable and launch my site.

Thank you to all of my friends and family along the way. For all of the times you helped me talk things through and were there for me.

Thank you to all of the doctors and nurses we met along the way. I appreciate everyone who wanted to help and even those who just didn’t know how.

Thank you especially to Dr. Milton at Brunswick Kidds Laser Pediatric Dentistry. The work you and your staff do is exceptional. You changed our lives and we will be forever grateful!

Thank you to Sister Judith at my church. She runs an incredible RCIA program and I can’t thank you enough for what I gained from that experience. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of it.

Thank you to Hope at Walgreens. She would never remember us but she fought so hard to get formulas approved by our insurance company a long while back. I will never forget her and how hard she tried to work for us.





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